金城道場地藏菩薩安座盛典 GOLDEN DRBA Ritual of Erecting Ksitigarbha Statue
楞嚴咒法會 Shurangama Mantra Retreat 九月二十一日至三十日,早晨四時至晚間九時十五分 September 21st to 30th, 4:00am-9:15pm
傳授三皈五戒 Transmission of Three Refuges and Five Precepts 九月二十九日 (星期五),下午一時至下午三時 September 29th (Friday), 1:00pm-3:00pm
地藏菩薩安座盛典 Ritual of Erecting Ksitigarbha Statue 九月三十日 (星期六),中午十二時至下午二時 September 30th (Saturday), 12:00pm-2:00pm
禪七 Meditation Session 十月二日至九日,早晨四時至晚間十時 October 2nd to 9th, 4:00am-10:00pm
*金城道場法會皆開放予大眾參加,唯需事前與道場報名。 然而,道場保留最後決定權。報名僅接受線上Google 表單進行。 * Golden DRBA rituals are open to the public, but advance registration with the monastery is required. However, the temple reserves the right to make the final decision. Registration is exclusively conducted through an online Google Form.
住宿、交通 Lodging and Transportation 法會期間,居士請自行預訂道場推薦的旅館,以方便接送。 報名、住宿及交通事宜,請點擊鏈接了解更多詳情: During the Dharma assembly, participants can choose to stay at recommended hotels in Golden to ease the arrangement of transportation. For further information, please click here: 住宿_交通詳情_lodging___transportation_details.pdf
氣候 Weather 九月份每日最高氣溫從14攝氏度逐漸降至5攝氏度。而每日最低氣溫則在-2攝氏度至4攝氏度之間變化。加拿大金城地區的空氣較為乾燥,每天的溫差較大且處於高海拔地帶。請確保在法會期間攜帶足夠的衣物以能保暖。 Daily high temperatures in September range between 14°C - 5°C, with daily lows between -2°C and 4°C. Golden is located at higher elevation, low humidity and temperature changes vastly throughout the day. Please ensure to bring adequate clothing to stay warm throughout the retreat session.
舒適簡樸的穿著Comfortable and Modest Clothing 在道場的穿著應該舒適與簡樸。舒適的穿著有利於打坐和修持,能方便進行禮拜及盤腿而坐。(不適合穿牛仔褲) 樸素的穿著是減少對他人的干擾,寬鬆的衣物為最佳穿著。請勿穿迷你裙、短褲、緊身褲、無袖衫或高跟鞋。 Attire in the monastery should be comfortable and modest. Comfortable clothing is ideal for meditation and cultivation because it allows one to easily bow and sit cross-legged. Jeans are not ideal. Modest clothing is important because it causes fewer distractions for others. Loose-fitting apparels are the best. Please refrain from wearing clothing such as mini-skirts, shorts, tights, leggings, sleeveless shirts, or high-heels.
請攜帶 Things to Bring 請自備毛巾、手電筒、個人洗漱用品【牙刷、牙膏、肥皂、洗髮水、保濕乳液等】、拖鞋、個人藥品、保溫瓶、登山鞋、睡袋(建議耐寒度為零下10攝氏度以下)、圍巾、保暖外套及手套、遮陽帽 、太陽眼鏡、雨衣、海青、縵衣(若有)。 臨走時,請勿留下任何私人物品。 Please bring your own towel, flashlight, personal toiletries [toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, moisturizing lotion etc.], slippers, personal medication, thermos and water bottle, hiking shoes, sleeping bag (recommended temperature rating of -10°C or below), jacket, gloves, sun hat, sunglasses, poncho raincoat, black robe, precept sash (if available). Please be considerate and take all your belongings with you when you leave.
請勿攜帶Things Not to Bring 請勿使用香水或香味濃郁的日用品。禁止攜帶酒、肉、家禽、海鮮、雞蛋、五辛、違禁藥物、大麻、香煙、槍支、武器、煙花或其他易燃物品進入道場。 Please refrain from using perfume or heavily scented products. Please do not bring alcohol, meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, alliums, illicit drugs, marijuana, cigarettes, firearms, weapons, fireworks or other flammable materials to the monastery.
淨素Vegetarianism 道場只提供清淨素食(不含肉類、家禽、海鮮、雞蛋、洋蔥、大蒜、韭菜、薤、興渠) In line with our philosophy of non-harming, all food at Golden DRBA is Mahayana vegetarian (no meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, onions, garlic, chives, shallots, leeks).